Andrea Damp - Nightflight

Slut dato: 2024-04-06

Andrea Damp


02.03 - 06.04

Grand Opening
Saturday 2 March at 2-4 p.m.
where Andrea Damp will be present

The official opening will be held at 2.15 p.m.
The exhibition will be introduced right after.



Link to the artworks



Andrea Damp balances between subtle abstraction and figuration in her paintings. Her works are created in a sophisticated process of layers and overlays, which make the sensitive process of the paintings' creation more tangible. 

Using figurative elements, the artist transforms her compositions into narratives, associative pictorial worlds characterized by atmosphere and emotional expression. Andrea Damp's paintings thus form an incomparable connection between the autonomy of color and its ability to serve expression.


Andrea Damp's paintings are also closely linked to the artist's biography, where her growing up on the island of Rügen occupies a special place. Already 200 years ago, the south-eastern part of Rügen fascinated and inspired the painters of the Romantic period. And it was precisely here that Andrea Damp grew up in close contact with the elements, which has directly meant that the protagonists in her works are always in close dialogue with nature with wind, earth and water.


In her latest works, which are exhibited in "Night flight", Andrea Damp has explored among other subjects, the most volatile of the elements - namely, air and wind. For her, who comes from an old fishing family, the wind has always been a decisive element. The wind determined whether the boats could sail, whether there was high or low water, whether the roads remained passable in winter or whether meter-high drifts of snow blocked the paths.


Not far from Berlin, where the artist lives today, aviation pioneer Otto Lilienthal was the first to conquer the air with his gliders in the mid-1800s. Several of Andrea Damp's paintings thus refer to his constructions and they are the ones that have inspired her to create paintings where the air and its movements lift the flying machines into the sky - here with the help of the painting's artistic touch. Andrea Damp's painterly exploration of the element of air has been given a new expression in these canvases and the artist has created a way to make the invisible and intangible element tangible in these paintings.