Art in Nature and Humanity

Slut dato: 2024-02-24

Art in Nature and Humaity
- Galleri NB presents a thoughtful exhibition

Galleri NB looks forward to the upcoming exhibition with the theme "Art in Nature and Man," which will take place from January 13 to February 24.

The exhibition focuses on artists who explore and convey their interpretations of the relationship between man and nature. Through the open title, Galleri NB seeks to stimulate dialogue around topics such as pollution, climate change, love and respect between man and nature, as well as our fundamental devotion to nature.

The exhibition will present several facets of different artistic expressions, including paintings, installation, works on paper. In particular, the works of Sabine Beyerle, Hugo Tieleman, Paul Smulders, René Holm, Andrea Damp and Vilmantas will impress the visitors. The works, with their individual beauty, challenge the visitors' intellect at the same time, as they are also inspiring and by delving deeper into the expression of the artworks, they also create deeper feelings and a stronger connection between art and society's current challenges.

Photolinks to the artists:

René Holm -Guest


Sabine Beyerle

Paul Smulders

Hugo Tieleman

Andrea Damp