3 soloexhibitions

Slut dato: 2021-09-26

Gallery NB opens in the autumn with 3 solo exhibitions

MAIN gallery: Nana Rosenørn Holland Bastrup - Collections

CENTER gallery: Sonata Reipsaite - Longing

NBeX project: Elena Antanaviéiuté - Body

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Nana Rosenørn Holland Bastrup in MAIN gallery

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Collections is the title of Nana Rosenørn Holland Bastrup's fourth solo exhibition in Gallery NB in ​​Viborg.

Nana R.H. Bastrup (b. 1987) lives and works in Copenhagen. She works with collage, photography, painting, installation, sculpture, drawing and video.
In her artistic practice, she is preoccupied with consumer culture, collections and identity. Her work production is based on the idea that everything new is based on something old and therefore she recycles her previous projects for new ones.

Many people will recognize it to collect something and to build a collection of example. stamps, butterflies or pipes. Within the world of art, there are also collectors; private as well as public, who become fascinated and over the years acquire more and more works of art to enrich their collections at home or in the workplace. However, having a collection is not just for collectors. An artist can also have collections, and this can even serve as research and a source of inspiration for work production and development. This is the case in Nana R.H. Bastrup's studio.

The viewer is invited in the exhibition Collections into Nana R. H. Bastrup's picturesque universe of accumulations e.g. of cardboard boxes, in which selected and collected items such as books, flowers and masks are "wrapped" and arranged in collections. The most recent major installation of discarded and accumulated cardboard boxes was in 2020, when she participated in the Changwon Sculpture Biennale in South Korea.

In her pictorial world, accumulations of repetitions and rhythms also dominate. The chameleon effect in particular with color change and adaptability is a picturesque leitmotif in terms of content, form and meaning. The descending lines, which in their organic linear or non-linear trajectories on the canvases, contribute to a picturesque improvisation in the otherwise so orderly compositions.

Nana R.H. Bastrup's works have been shown in various galleries, exhibition venues and institutions at home and abroad. The most recent exhibition participations in 2021 were in Janus Bygningen, Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum and SAK Kunstbygning.

The winners of the Young Painters Prize 2020

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Every autumn, the annual Young Painters Prize is held in Vilnius. Here, artists from the Baltic countries can compete in a visual arts competition, where an international jury assesses who the greatest talents of the time are. The Young Painters Prize was established in 2009 by Vilmantas Marcinkevicius to strengthen the opportunities for the best young artists to gain attention.
Last year, Galleri NB supported around the event, by offering the 1st and 2nd winners an opportunity to exhibit in the gallery. The 2020 prize winner was Elena Antanaviéiuté, while the 2nd winner was Sonata Riepsaite. Gallery NB therefore finds it extremely interesting that in the near future, both artists will be exhibiting their very different works in the gallery.

CENTER gallery exhibits Sonata Riepsaite.

Link to Artworks by Sonata Riepsaite 

Longing is the title of Sonata Riepšaitė (b. 1993) exhibition. She is a young generation Lithuanian painter, currently lives and works in The Hague. Though she just started her creative path, but already have a very distinct technique, which unravels in her artworks. Through a monochromatic paintings, mainly created with a charcoal, artist delves into the genre of the landscape, forming imaginary from the real, full of silence and anticipation.

An artwork "In the Shadow" inspired by two situations that were completely different in the moment of which artist saw them. One was the three house compound in a very sunny, hot summer’s day. And the other – very tall dark trees at night. Artist adapted these two situations to her willing and made a timeless, quiet landscape. There is nothing intimidating there, but the quietness, calmness and lack of detail, make it feel a bit frightening and mysterious, where almost threatening silence is floating in the air.

NBeX project presents Elena Antanavieiute

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Prize winner Elena Antanavieiute (Born 1992) is awarded the NBeX project for being able to exhibit her paintings in the bright space.
Elena Antanaviéiuté herself writes about her works: The theme Body developed from self-portraits and diary-like drawings that I had previously made.
On the one hand, The Body is about the beauty standards of the time and how they have been influenced by feminist discourse. On the other hand, I find new interesting shapes and landscapes while painting my body.
I am not only interested in the recognizable body parts. I also paint unrecognizable body parts, such as the wrinkles on my finger joints.
The relationship with my body is many faceted and I am influenced by the environment. The theme is therefore very personal and at the same time universal.
The paintings are very bright, the color of the gesso is important. I use a lot of thinner. It dries the paint quickly, which has contributed to my paintings appearing more raw in expression.
I also write short stories that complement my paintings, but the short stories can also be read as separate works.

The gallery is very much looking forward to being able to open the three exhibitions in the most festive way. Covid -19 has not yet completely released its roof in Europe, which means that Elena Antanaviéiuté, who is currently in Iceland and Sonata Riepsaite, who lives in the Netherlands, can not participate in the vernissage.
On the other hand, the opening will be on Sunday 15 August at 14-16 supplemented with an introduction at 14.15 by Nana R.H. Bastrup.