Born in 1973
Lives and works in Denmark
2002: BA Computer Science, University of Aalborg, Denmark
1993: Design & Pattern Developer
Solo exhibition
2023 "23", Galleri NB, Viborg, DK
2021 Transition, Galleri NB, Viborg, DK
2018 "Disruption" - Gallery NB, Viborg, DK
2017 "Innuendo" - Gallery NB, Viborg, DK
2016 Fragmented vision, galleri NB, Viborg, DK
2015 Please Destroy This", in collaboration with Jacob Juhl, Galleri V58, Århus DK 2015
2014 Hide & Seek, galleri NBeX, Viborg, Danmark
2013 Mind and Matter, Hillyer Art Space, Washington DC
2013 The Inside Angle, NbeX, Viborg, DK
2012 ArtStra Galleri, Copenhagen
2011 “Familie af Fremmede”, Galleri Progres, Horsens
2009 “Grænseland”, Galleri Progres, Horsens
2008 Galleri Vibse, Vejle
2001 Galleri Inuit, Aalborg
2001 Kulturkøbmanden, Skørping
Group exhibitions
“Waou 24”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
“Christmas Stars”, Galleri NB DK
“Portraits In Focus”, Robert Fontaine Gallery, Palm Beach, FL, US
“Memory Lane”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
“Waou 23”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
“Christmas Stars”, Galleri NB DK
“Glance”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
Duo exhibition with Paul Smulders, Region Hospital, Gødstrup DK
“Waou 22”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
Group show, Museum Frello, Varde DK
“Highlights”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
“Christmas Stars”, Galleri NB DK
“Waou 21”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
“Christmas Stars”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
“Waou”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
19 Karen Gallery, Gold Coast AU
“Contemporary Human”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
“Christmas Stars”, Galleri NB, Viborg
Art Miami, Miami US
Å-udstillingen, Odense DK
“Waou”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
“Color & Form”, Robert Fontine Gallery, Miami US
Art Herning, Herning DK 2019
“Christmas Stars”, Galleri NB, Viborg DK
Art Vilnius, Vilnius LT
Art The Hague, The Hague NL
"Depict The Mask", CGK Centre For Contemporary Art, Copenhagen
"Passion", Galleri NB, Viborg DK
Art Herning, Herning, DK
30 Års Jubilæums Udstilling, Galleri NB, Viborg, DK
KunstRai, Amsterdam, NL
North, Aalborg, DK
Art Herning, Herning, DK
PrcjtOMNI, Traverse City, Michigan, US
Art Vilnius, Vilnius, LT
NORTH, Aalborg, DK
Art Herning, Herning, DK
G.R.A.F.O gallery Vilnius, Litauen
"Christmas Event", Galleri NB, Viborg, DK
Pop-Up, Galleri NB, with Kristian Vodder Svensson, Copenhagen, DK
Art Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DK
Trans-Figuration, galleri NB, Viborg, DK
Art Copenhagen, Copenhagen, DK
Pop-Up, Galleri NB, Herning, DK
"REmantics", Galleri V58, Århus, DK
"Christmas Event", galleri NB Viborg, DK
“Samtlige Hændelser”, ArtStra Galleri, Copenhagen
Art Herning, Herning, DK
“Progres 2”, Galleri Progres, Horsens, DK
“Your Art”, Rundetaarn, Copenhagen, DK
“Optipism”, Gallery Dada Post, Berlin, DE
Art Herning, Herning, DK
Art Herning, Herning, DK
“Trust 100%”, Kulturspinderiet, Silkeborg, DK
Censorship exhibitions
2010: Kunstnernes Sommerudstilling (KS10), Tistrup
2008: “INSIDE08”, Kunstpakhuset, Ikast
2008: 1. pris ved ‘INSIDE08’, Kunstpakhuset, Ikast 2008
Collections, institutions, ect.
Højskolen Hald Ege
Dio Sumagaysay Collection
Arteviridea (The quest for a cure continues), Dio Sumagaysay, 2016
Bizarre Beyond Belief Magazine - THE COLLECTION, VOL1, 2015
John Reuss
about the exhibition
John Reuss 23
In his works, John Reuss explores existential themes (identity, alienation, loneliness etc.) related to our modern way of life. With his semi-abstract compositions, Reuss invites the viewer to reflect on his own place in the world.
One of Reuss's greatest sources of inspiration over the years has been philosophical literature - and currently is the philosophical work “Undinge” (non-things) by Byung-Chul Han, which is one of the main sources. In the book, Han describes the relationship between the material and the immaterial in our modern, digital age. In the book, Han argues that digital dominance has led to a world where material objects have lost their power and meaning, and how we have become increasingly disconnected from the physical world around us.
In many ways, Reuss's works can be seen as a visual expression of some of the themes He unfolds in "Undinge". Both Han and Reuss are concerned with the ways in which our relationship to the material world has been transformed by our modern lives. Byung-Chul Han argues that the digital world has led to a loss of meaning and significance in material objects, while Reuss's works often depict humans as fragmented and displaced from a physical context.
Furniture such as chairs and beds, which are normally recognizable and stable, in Reuss's works offer neither recognition nor stability - they are dissolved and meaningless, a reflection of Han's ideas about how, among other things, digital technologies have created a new form of existence, where everything is reduced to information and thus loses its materiality, just as we lose the stable anchor to the physical and to each other.
In this way, there is a parallel between Hans's ideas in "Undinge" and Reuss's works. Both challenge us to consider the meaning of the world we live in and encourage us to look deeper than the surface to find meaning. While Han's work offers a critique of the digital agenda that dominates our society, Reuss's art offers a path towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. He and Reuss approach the relationship between the material and the immaterial in different ways, but share a common concern with how modern life has transformed our relationship with the physical world and social contexts
Catapult Art - Harvesting Chaos | |
John Reuss 2016 | |
Jyske Vestkysten - 2016 | |
Vejle Amts Folkeblad 2016 | |
John Reuss - Transition 2021 | |
John Reuss -23 |