Steen Larsen - Crossroads

Slut dato: 2023-04-22

Steen Larsen


18.03 – 22.04

Steen Larsen made his debut in 1992 in, at that time, very small Galleri NB.

With artistic education at Dartington College of Arts and Den Frie Kunstskole back in the 80s, he decided to work with the realistic art direction.

Over the years, Steen Larsen has exhibited in the USA, among others Miami and New York. In addition, a number of European cities such as Oslo, Salzburg, Vilnius and Copenhagen.

YouTube: Steen Larsen - Crossroads

Steen Larsen's latest paintings approach the hyper realistic. Although he does not want to use sprays and various varnishes, the richness of detail and the factual are predominant.
But what makes Steen Larsen's painting so fascinating is his ability to add a special and very personal atmosphere to the work. In the selection and de-selection of realistic subjects in the painting, in conjunction with the depth of the visual expression, there is a compositional balance which supports what he really wants to promote with his painting: an interpretation of a certain mood in a place-specific area at a precise time of day .
In the paintings, viewers get the artist's interpretation of something recognizable and, for many people, a familiar motif - even if this may require a longer journey around America to find.

Direct photolink to the artworks.

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