Christmas Stars Exhibition 2020

Slut dato: 2021-01-10

Christmas Stars Exhibition
14.12 - ?.01

Closed: because of Danish corona restrictions we are only open for "Take Away". The exhibition ends when the corona restrictions allow us to reopen.


Image of the gallery's artists

Monday the 14th of December, we open this year's Christmas Exhibition.
The gallery's Danish and international artists participate in the exhibition with a star parade of selected works of art.
Due to the corona crisis around Europe,
it is possible for the artists to contribute to our Christmas exhibition with some of the best art
we have seen in a long time.
That is why we look forward to Christmas with joy and excitement.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Team NB

Jule Stjernerne 2020 - i udsnit:

Sabine Beyerle - Vilmantas - Smulders

View med Steen Larsen i forgrunden.

Sandór Szasz

View i underetagen

Hugo Tieleman

Carsten Frank

Toon Berghahn

Nana Rosenørn Holland Bastrup


Mette-Maya Gregersen

Sabine Beyerle

View med Beate Höing i forgrunden

Hugo Tieleman- Vilmantas - Marius Martinussen

Paul Smulders

Thomas Andersson - Andrea Damp

Kristian Vodder Svensson

John Reuss

Shai Azuolai

Paul Smulders - Kjell Nupen