Contemporary Landscape

Slut dato: 2020-02-23

Contemporary Landscape

10.01 - 23.02

Hugo Tieleman

Kristian Vodder Svensson

Maxim Brandt

Poul Anker Bech

Carsten Frank

Mette Maya Gregersen

Michelle Kranot

Steen Larsen

Paul Smulders

Toon Berghahn

Sabine Beyerle

Tomas Dauksa


Gallery NB is so big that it can even hold large themed exhibitions.
The theme exhibition Contemporary Landscape or the Modern Landscape is the gallery's attempt to present international artists of both format and quality added with a personal and characterful expression.

Immediately most people know the now deceased artist Poul Anker Bech, who has so far taken the Danes with his ingenious and highly recognizable expression. At Contemporary Landscape, the gallery presents a very large and distinctive work in his typical style from the 80's, where the landscape is seen both normally and from a plane in rotation.

A number of exciting younger artists are also working with the diversity of the landscape. Well-known artists such as Paul Smulders, Hugo Tieleman, Sabine Beyerle, Carsten Frank, Kristian Vodder Svensson and Maxim Brandt present their latest offerings on interpretations of the landscape.

Surprisingly, the figurative painter Vilmantas has also ventured into an interpretation of the nightly full moon scene entitled Moonstruck. Quite an insistent work that impresses with its simplicity and deep expression.

The Contemporary Landscape is not interpreted solely through paintings. Tomas Dauksa is internationally known for his sculptural installations. In 3D, he sets up landscapes in protected glass bells so you can look in from the outside at a miniature landscape populated by small people. At the same time astonishing and exciting to experience.
Where Tomas Dauksa works with plastics, Mette Maya Gregersen works with porcelain. Her refined sculptures are very similar to water, coral and oysters. For the past year, she has worked in the United States, which has inspired her even more.

The exhibition's largest work of art is Songbird. A VR / animation installation by internationally renowned artists Michelle and Uri Kranot. Uri and Michelle started working at The Animation Workshop in Viborg and are still based in Viborg.

Songbird is a virtual and adventurous experience about the extinction of a special songbird.
They are transported to the island of Kauai in 1984 and into a painted replica of a lush forest full of colorful birds. Here you are encouraged to search for the last known ʻō`ō, an iconic black bird with yellow bones and a beautiful song, a bird whose existence is threatened with extinction.

Songbird has already won a number of Awards and Festivals:
Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival for Best VR.
Festival du nouveau cinéma Montreal with special mention.
As well as: CPH: DOX, Bergen Film Festival, Adelaide Film Festival, Geneva International Film Festival.
The project is supported by: HTC VIVE, The Animation Workshop, Eon Reality

Contemporary Landscape in gallery NB is a spacious and diverse experience where the focus is on selected individual works, which together form a picture of the countless possibilities that the landscape provides the artists with interpretations.