Vilmantas Marcinkevicius - Moonstruck Exhibition

In honor of Vilmantas 50th birthday you are kindly invited to the opening of the art exhibition called “Moonstruck” which will take place
December 29th 14.00 to 17.00
at Art Industrial center in Vilnius, Vaidilutes 79.
The Exhibition is open from December 29th 2019 to January 9th 2020.

The art critic Austeja Mikuckyte-Mateikiene describ the exhibition like:
Moonstruck or touched by the full moon. Who are these people? Often the artists are called odd, sometimes even worse. And who is that lunacy? What is the beginning of it?
The artistic lunacy is a different kind of madness. The symptoms are the following: intense vision of all of the surroundings, unstoppable questioning of it all, the courage to be true to yourself. But above them all the artists’ ability to speak via the artistic expression, ability to convert all the other symptoms into the object of art or painting as part of the daily existence.
Vilmantas art seems to be soaked into the blues of the moonlight. The deranged reality and fantasy melts into one expressive combination, while emphasizing odd human behavior and feelings. And the full derangement of the word becomes obvious and unquestionable in the blue light of the moon.