Henrik Kleppe Worm-Müller - I Hope This is Real

Slut dato: 2019-11-24

Henrik Kleppe Worm-Müller
- about his art.

I focus in my art on moods. I can best convey that in the landscape painting. 
I became interested in landscape painting the first year I went to Oslo drawing and painting school in 2001. William Turner quickly became my biggest inspiration, then Lars Hertervig and the national romance. And in recent years I have had many references to the Impressionists.

It is difficult for me to give a special clue as to where I find my inspiration. But it's probably from things I've experienced. At the same time, I am also inspired by what is called kitsch. So I mix kitsch with designs that have nothing to do with kitsch. I find it extremely interesting to see what happens when I mix something naively with something that has more substance.

Technically, David Lynch's Twin Peaks has been instrumental in influencing my expression in painting. As I watched the 2000 series, my paintings changed, becoming more aware of what I was taking pictures of, camera angles, perspectives and lighting.

In addition, in recent years I have worked more with colors than I have in a long time.

With my current expression, I manage to convey the feeling I actually have inside. It is, in a way, an overall summary of everything I have experienced and been through.