That or The beloved

Slut dato: 2019-06-07

That or The Beloved

In order to lead the new photographers at the Media Schools in Viborg to an artistic expression in their photos, Thorkild NB Nielsen has on several occasions been a mentor on the photo line. Subsequently, he was given the opportunity to select one or more works for an exhibition in the NBeX projoct.
This resulted in 8 distinct and very different photos created by 8 students for a special exhibition in the NBeX project.
The theme of the photographers has been the one or the Beloved. An airy and indefinable but at the same time a sensitive theme that concerns and relates to everyone. For what is that beloved? And who is the beloved?
The challenge for the 8 students has been their very different offerings.
The exhibition opens on Sunday 28 April at. 14-16.Kl. 14.30, Gunner Byskov, head of the Photo Line at the Media Schools in Viborg, will present the exhibition in NBeX project.