Oplev Galleri NB's kunstnere i hele verden

Art Vilnius 07.10 - 10.09
3th International Contemporary Art Fair
Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO
Vilnius, Lithuania
3, 4, 5 exhibition halls and outside

Nana RH Bastrup
John Reuss
Daniela Schönemann
Krestine Harboe

Maxim Brandt udstiller sine værker på to udstillinger i Berlin:


SurVival – Questions to the future

Lokation: Museum Haus am Lützowplatz

Dato: 15. september 2022 - 8. januar 2023.


Räume III

Lokation: Air cargo hall at Tegel Airport.

Dato: 13. september - 18. september 2022.

