Slut dato: 15-09-2024

13.09 - 15.09

  • ANIDOX:VR Award-udstillingen præsenterer et kurateret udvalg af moderne værker med fokus på fremragende historiefortælling og NYE teknologier!
  • ANIDOX:VR er en årlig udstilling arrangeret af Viborg Animation Festival med støtte fra Det Danske Filminstitut.
  • ANIDOX:VR-juryen uddeler en jurypris, der fejrer det bedste fra faktuel historiefortælling og håndværk.


Billetter for offentlig adgang:

Galleri NB
13.09 - 14.09 kl. 10 -18 
15.09 kl. 10 - 14   


foregår på engelsk

Link to seminar: 

The highlight of ANIDOX:VR is a dedicated seminar with expert guests, artists and key figures from the art-meets-technology landscape - followed by a 'meet the artists' drinks & networking event!


Thursday 12/09/24

Seminar: Interactive Documentary narratives - meet the artists and makers.

13.00 - 15.30

Part 1: Introducing the documentary XR works in competition - The artists discuss their work and creative process. Moderated by Uri Kranot

  • Letters from Drancy (Dir. Darren Emerson)
    · Empereur (Dir. Marion Burger & Ilan J. Cohen)
    · Maya: The birth of superhero (Dir. Poulomi Basu & CJ Clarke)
    · Turbulence: Jamais Vu (Dir. Ben Joseph Andrews & Emma Roberts)

Part 2: Danish Film Institute Presentation - On the extraordinary occasion of the Interactive Documentary Narratives development initiative.

Seminar guests will have the opportunity to hear about the currently supported projects, from the creators and professionals in this exciting new field.

15.30 - 16.00 Danish XR Network event